What is a Wild Woman?! What does a Wild Woman embody?! Who is a Wild Woman? Why is a Woman Wild?!  Questions I have been asking for the last decade!

I refuse to conform just because the mainstream. I have lost myself in trying to be the perfect partner, mother, human. To look the perfect part. To walk this way and dress this way and do my hair that way. To not say too much because they may not like me, and they may not possess the same opinion. I have been called overly emotional. I have allowed the judgment of others and myself to beat me down until I finally said FUCK IT!

I am reclaiming myself and my power and calling out to my inner Wild Woman! I will empower myself and turn these ‘flaws’ into exceptional character traits that I am everso lucky to possess. I will stop apologizing for being sensitive and instead I will use it to my advantage!  And I will never conform to being a perfect human… because I am me. I am enough. And I am a Wild Woman!


Hair and Makeup by Candice Deanna Makeup

Dress by Baltic Born

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